Baobabe Product Instruction Manuals

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Menstrual Cup

Menstrual Disc

Sterilizer Cup & Pod



A small menstrual cup is ideal for first-time users and those with a low cervix, under 18 years old, petite physique or women who prefer a smaller size cup. 

We have specifically designed our new Baobabe small cup to be smaller and lighter, more transparent which allows first-time users to get an understanding of how it works and flow volumes.

Capacity :15ml   

Size: Length 56mm 

Light to Normal Flow

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Regular Size is the best fit for majority of women looking to make the switch to a menstrual cup, normal to heavy menstrual flow.

Regular Cup Capacity: 25ml 

Dimentions: Length 63.8mm

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Plus size cup is a slightly larger cup for those with a heavier menstrual flow


Plus Cup Capacity: 35ml 

Dimensions: Length 69.5mm

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Our menstrual disc comes in one size, perfect for all menstrual flow volumes.

Dimentions: Height 33.5mm x Width 65mm

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